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Category: Urban Exploration

  • 7 Abandoned Airports (Images you won’t believe)

    7 Abandoned Airports (Images you won’t believe)

    There are approximately 2,000 abandoned airports across the United States. That number can be overwhelming when you are trying to narrow down which location you should visit to make the most of your trip. Why should you see these 7 abandoned airports? The histories of the sites and the state of disrepair that the buildings…

  • 10 Abandoned mental hospitals (Shocking images)

    10 Abandoned mental hospitals (Shocking images)

    The popularity of mental hospitals grew at an alarming rate between 1825 and 1865, and that wasn’t even the peak. Mental hospitals used techniques they thought would cure the patients but are considered torture by today’s standards. Thankfully, during the 1950s, light was being shed on the wrongdoings at these facilities, and most of them…

  • 10 Incredible Abandoned Jails in the USA

    10 Incredible Abandoned Jails in the USA

    The saying “bad things happen to bad people” is one of the reasons jails and prisons are incredible places to check out if you’re interested in history, exploring or even ghost hunting. If you want to do any of those things, new prisons aren’t a great place to explore. So where should you go to…

  • 7 Abandoned Amusement Parks (Creepy Images)

    7 Abandoned Amusement Parks (Creepy Images)

    Unlike many abandoned places, amusement parks were full of joy before they closed down. Parents bringing their children for days of entertainment, birthday parties, and a way to get out of the house.  Why should you visit abandoned amusement parks? Abandoned amusement parks are large sites, with lots to look at. They have just as…

  • 17 Amazing abandoned places – Incredible Images

    17 Amazing abandoned places – Incredible Images

    If you don’t already have somewhere in particular you want to explore, you might find this list handy. Each one of these abandoned places is in various states of ruin, parts of them may be submerged in water, and some may still have fully functioning buildings.  Where are these amazing abandoned places? All over America.…

  • How To Find Abandoned Places Near Me

    How To Find Abandoned Places Near Me

    Running out of abandoned places to visit isn’t a good enough reason to give up on your exploration adventures. All you need to do is find some more, and yes, it is as easy as it sounds. Travelling isn’t an option for a lot of people right now, so you might be asking, “how can…

  • Do Ghost Hunters Get Paid (Is It a Career Option)

    Do Ghost Hunters Get Paid (Is It a Career Option)

    For most people, ghost hunting is a hobby and stems from a deep interest in the paranormal world. The popularity of the TV show Ghost Hunters did however create a whole new concept for ghost hunting and that concept is: Do ghost hunters get paid and is it a career option? Now, there are some…

  • How Do Ghost Towns Happen? (Can you go see them?)

    How Do Ghost Towns Happen? (Can you go see them?)

    A ghost town can be a misleading name. People will either refer to a ghost town as an abandoned town or they will quite literally mean that the town is filled with spirits and is haunted. The two meanings can however go hand in hand when it comes to describing how ghost towns happen.  A…

  • How To Buy a Ghost Town (Can you even do that?)

    How To Buy a Ghost Town (Can you even do that?)

    Most of us have aspirations of owning our dream home.  We save for a deposit, get a mortgage, and eventually own our home outright. Some want a house by the sea, some want acres and acres of land, some want a penthouse overlooking the city and some simply aspire to have 4 walls and a…

  • Why Do People Believe in Ghosts?

    Why Do People Believe in Ghosts?

    Ghosts are incredible. People have claimed to see them, hear them, and feel them, but their existence can’t be proven. If that’s the case, why do people believe in ghosts? 42% of Americans believe in the paranormal, there are several reasons why you might believe in the existence of ghosts. It could be based on…