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Category: Blog

  • Is Drinking a Hobby?

    Is Drinking a Hobby?

    Drinking Alcohol is an Enjoyable Activity for Many. But is it a Hobby? Alcohol consumption has been a popular diversion for as long as man has been able to ferment, and with the sheer range and availability of alcoholic beverages and spirits, it is unsurprising that over half of Americans report enjoying an alcoholic beverage…

  • How Many Hobbies Should You Have? (Can You Have Too Many?)

    How Many Hobbies Should You Have? (Can You Have Too Many?)

    With Hobbies, It’s All About Quality, Not Quantity Hobbies are great for relaxing and enjoying some me-time while doing something different. Some hobbies are very social too. Learning new skills with a hobby will open up the world around you. So, it is no surprise, of course, if you want to take on another and…

  • What’s the Difference Between Hobbies and Passion?

    What’s the Difference Between Hobbies and Passion?

    If you are wondering what the difference between a hobby and a passion is, read on for key definitions and the key signs that your favorite recreation is something that is going to change your life! There are the Hobbies You Dabble in and Then There is a Passion… It’s not always easy to differentiate…

  • Is Eating a Hobby? (6 Food Hobbies)

    Is Eating a Hobby? (6 Food Hobbies)

    So, you are wondering if your favorite pastime of eating can count as a hobby? Perhaps you need to give an explanation for why that last bag of Cheetos has disappeared or are looking to garnish your resume. Either way, the act of putting food into your body by chewing and swallowing it is a…

  • When Does a Hobby Become a Business?

    When Does a Hobby Become a Business?

    If you’ve been making some money off of your hobby- congratulations! It’s every hobbyist’s dream to be making money off of doing what they love. However, it’s important to know at what point a hobby is considered a business for a variety of reasons.  While there are no set criteria for distinguishing a hobby from…

  • What Exactly is a Hobby? (How is it Defined?)

    What Exactly is a Hobby? (How is it Defined?)

    A hobby is an activity you do for fun during your leisure time, for relaxation and pleasure, not professionally or for pay. The word hobby originated from the 13th Century Anglo-Latin word ‘hobyn,’ which means ‘small and active horse or pony.’ This word evolved into ‘hobbyhorse,’ which was a wooden stick with a figure of a…