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Category: Dowsing

  • Divining Rod Theory (Facts not Myths)

    Divining Rod Theory (Facts not Myths)

    The first time you see someone use a divining rod (or dowsing rod) to hunt for water you’ll probably think they are a little crazy. But if you watch long enough, and maybe even ask to “run the rod” yourself for a little while, the odds are pretty good that you’ll become a believer in…

  • Dangers of Using Divining Rods for Dowsing

    Dangers of Using Divining Rods for Dowsing

    Worried about starting to use dowsing rods? Don’t be! There really isn’t much to worry about. But with that being said, we still want to tell you about the dangers that are present when using these rods. The best part is, we’re also going to tell you how to prevent them! Let’s jump right in.…

  • Why Do Dowsing Rods Cross?

    Why Do Dowsing Rods Cross?

    The act of dowsing originated in Germany in the 16th century when it was used to find metals underground. Since then, it has struggled through many trials and tribulations. It can be a very rewarding hobby and thankfully, it has survived the test of time. However, if you are new to the past time, it…

  • How to Use Dowsing Rods to Find Water Depth

    How to Use Dowsing Rods to Find Water Depth

    For (literally) thousands of years human beings have been on the hunt for efficient and accurate ways to find water buried under the ground. And while today we are lucky enough to take advantage of incredibly advanced modern technology that lets us find water (sometimes from what feels like miles away), our ancient ancestors didn’t…

  • What Are Divining Rods (Types & Uses)

    What Are Divining Rods (Types & Uses)

    Divining rods are implements used to find underground water or metal sources.  Also known as “dowsing” or “water witching”, it is believed that water and metal ores can be located by holding the rods in the hands and slowly walking over the land to locate underground springs, water veins, and metal ore deposits. There are…

  • How Does Grave Dowsing Work? (Why do it?)

    How Does Grave Dowsing Work? (Why do it?)

    Dowsing has been used traditionally for an expanding number of things. Water, of course, is one that we are all familiar with. People have also used it for treasure hunting or even finding electrical lines. You may have heard also about another kind. How does grave dowsing work? Grave dowsing works like regular dowsing, though…