Start your new hobby today!

an elder woman knitting a scarf as a hobby

We started ‘Hobby Know How’ because we genuinely believe finding an enjoyable hobby is detrimental to our mental health, well being, and overall life satisfaction and happiness. This belief is also scientifically backed by numerous studies and considerations.

We offer quality findings and advice on a vast collection of hobbies and pastimes. Our website will provide you with any details and information that is necessary to get you started with your pursuit. 

Latest posts

  • Can a Car Be 3D Printed? (Full Size 3D Printed Car)

    Can a Car Be 3D Printed? (Full Size 3D Printed Car)

    3D printing is becoming a popular at-home hobby but originated in production fields where the technology is still growing. Many of you might be familiar with the size of at-home printers, but industrial size ones can be as large as a warehouse! Items like furniture frames, building materials, and special construction supports are made using…

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  • Can You Make Money With a 3D Printer?

    Can You Make Money With a 3D Printer?

    3D printers have become smaller and widely available to the point of them being fairly common household items for creative people. It isn’t unusual for creative people to want to turn their hobby into a stream of income. This begs the question; can you make money with a 3D printer? It might take a while,…

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  • What Exactly is a Hobby? (How is it Defined?)

    What Exactly is a Hobby? (How is it Defined?)

    A hobby is an activity you do for fun during your leisure time, for relaxation and pleasure, not professionally or for pay. The word hobby originated from the 13th Century Anglo-Latin word ‘hobyn,’ which means ‘small and active horse or pony.’ This word evolved into ‘hobbyhorse,’ which was a wooden stick with a figure of a…

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