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an elder woman knitting a scarf as a hobby

We started ‘Hobby Know How’ because we genuinely believe finding an enjoyable hobby is detrimental to our mental health, well being, and overall life satisfaction and happiness. This belief is also scientifically backed by numerous studies and considerations.

We offer quality findings and advice on a vast collection of hobbies and pastimes. Our website will provide you with any details and information that is necessary to get you started with your pursuit. 

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  • Why Do Dowsing Rods Cross?

    Why Do Dowsing Rods Cross?

    The act of dowsing originated in Germany in the 16th century when it was used to find metals underground. Since then, it has struggled through many trials and tribulations. It can be a very rewarding hobby and thankfully, it has survived the test of time. However, if you are new to the past time, it…

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  • How to Use Dowsing Rods to Find Water Depth

    How to Use Dowsing Rods to Find Water Depth

    For (literally) thousands of years human beings have been on the hunt for efficient and accurate ways to find water buried under the ground. And while today we are lucky enough to take advantage of incredibly advanced modern technology that lets us find water (sometimes from what feels like miles away), our ancient ancestors didn’t…

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  • What Are Divining Rods (Types & Uses)

    What Are Divining Rods (Types & Uses)

    Divining rods are implements used to find underground water or metal sources.  Also known as “dowsing” or “water witching”, it is believed that water and metal ores can be located by holding the rods in the hands and slowly walking over the land to locate underground springs, water veins, and metal ore deposits. There are…

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  • How Does Grave Dowsing Work? (Why do it?)

    How Does Grave Dowsing Work? (Why do it?)

    Dowsing has been used traditionally for an expanding number of things. Water, of course, is one that we are all familiar with. People have also used it for treasure hunting or even finding electrical lines. You may have heard also about another kind. How does grave dowsing work? Grave dowsing works like regular dowsing, though…

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  • Do Ghost Hunters Get Paid (Is It a Career Option)

    Do Ghost Hunters Get Paid (Is It a Career Option)

    For most people, ghost hunting is a hobby and stems from a deep interest in the paranormal world. The popularity of the TV show Ghost Hunters did however create a whole new concept for ghost hunting and that concept is: Do ghost hunters get paid and is it a career option? Now, there are some…

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  • How Do Ghost Towns Happen? (Can you go see them?)

    How Do Ghost Towns Happen? (Can you go see them?)

    A ghost town can be a misleading name. People will either refer to a ghost town as an abandoned town or they will quite literally mean that the town is filled with spirits and is haunted. The two meanings can however go hand in hand when it comes to describing how ghost towns happen.  A…

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  • How To Buy a Ghost Town (Can you even do that?)

    How To Buy a Ghost Town (Can you even do that?)

    Most of us have aspirations of owning our dream home.  We save for a deposit, get a mortgage, and eventually own our home outright. Some want a house by the sea, some want acres and acres of land, some want a penthouse overlooking the city and some simply aspire to have 4 walls and a…

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  • Can Goldfish Eat Breadcrumbs?

    Can Goldfish Eat Breadcrumbs?

    Goldfish are omnivores and will pretty much eat anything that you give them, including breadcrumbs. However, you shouldn’t feed them breadcrumbs.  They lack the nutrients that your goldfish need and contain ingredients that could harm their bodies like sugar, gluten, corn syrup, and yeast. If you want your goldfish to stay happy and healthy, feed…

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  • Is Fish Keeping Easy? What You Need to Know Before Starting

    Is Fish Keeping Easy? What You Need to Know Before Starting

    Fishkeeping is a generally pleasurable hobby. To most aspiring fish keepers, it looks much easier than other pet-keeping hobbies. Well, like any other hobby it has ups and downs so you’re likely to face a couple of challenges along the way. However, the best way to overcome or even prevent most of the challenges with…

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