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Category: Cosplay

  • Most Famous Cosplayers (Links Where to Find Them)

    Most Famous Cosplayers (Links Where to Find Them)

    There are so many cosplayers to follow on social media. You can find cosplay inspiration on just about any social media platform.  But who should you follow? Who are the most famous cosplayers? The cosplayers you’ll see on this list have earned their spot for bringing characters to life. Each one has demonstrated a level…

  • Best Cosplay Websites ( With Images and links )

    Best Cosplay Websites ( With Images and links )

    If you want to get into cosplay, but don’t quite know where to start, this is the place. What are the best cosplay websites? Whether you need to purchase a costume, a new prop, or just to start talking to people with the same interests as you, these websites will help you get there. EZCosplay…

  • Can You Make a Living from Cosplay?

    Can You Make a Living from Cosplay?

    Get paid for what you love, right? But what if the thing you love is creating costumes based off of characters. Can you make a living from cosplay? While it is possible to make money from cosplay, it is very lucrative and very few cosplayers can afford to leave their day job. It’s more realistic…

  • Why Is Cosplay So Popular?

    Why Is Cosplay So Popular?

    Even if you have never done cosplay before, you’ve probably heard about it. Cosplay is an internationally loved hobby and it’s only getting bigger with social media. But why is cosplay so popular?  Cosplay has created a community where people feel safe to express themselves. This community lifts each other up, and the confidence boost…

  • Cosplay at Disney World (Is it Allowed?)

    Cosplay at Disney World (Is it Allowed?)

    Could there be a better place to cosplay as a Disney Princess than at Disney World? It seems like a fantastic idea, but can you cosplay at Disney World? Unfortunately, no, nobody over the age of 14 is allowed to cosplay at Disney World. While this seems harsh, it’s actually to keep the magic feeling…