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Category: Fish Keeping

  • Can Goldfish Eat Breadcrumbs?

    Can Goldfish Eat Breadcrumbs?

    Goldfish are omnivores and will pretty much eat anything that you give them, including breadcrumbs. However, you shouldn’t feed them breadcrumbs.  They lack the nutrients that your goldfish need and contain ingredients that could harm their bodies like sugar, gluten, corn syrup, and yeast. If you want your goldfish to stay happy and healthy, feed…

  • Is Fish Keeping Easy? What You Need to Know Before Starting

    Is Fish Keeping Easy? What You Need to Know Before Starting

    Fishkeeping is a generally pleasurable hobby. To most aspiring fish keepers, it looks much easier than other pet-keeping hobbies. Well, like any other hobby it has ups and downs so you’re likely to face a couple of challenges along the way. However, the best way to overcome or even prevent most of the challenges with…

  • Can You Use Rocks Out Of Your Garden In An Aquarium?

    Can You Use Rocks Out Of Your Garden In An Aquarium?

    Using rocks out of your garden is a cheaper option; however, it’s risky since there’s a lot that could go wrong. The stones can affect the water quality or contaminate the tank. But on the other hand, using the right tests, you may be able to eliminate the bad rocks.  So how do you know…

  • 11 Fishkeeping Mistakes Newbies Often Make

    Mistakes are a common part of learning anything new; fishkeeping is no different. While you can’t avoid all mistakes, we’d like to help you steer clear of some of the most recurrent mistakes. 1. Overstocking Looking at the fantastic display of fish of all sizes and colors is lovely. But if you overpopulate them in any…

  • Can Fish Sleep With The Aquarium Light On?

    Can Fish Sleep With The Aquarium Light On?

    As a beginner to fish keeping, you may have many questions about the lighting in your aquarium. Which lighting color is best? How does the lighting help the fish? Will my fish sleep well with the aquarium lights on? We’ll explore the answers to your lighting questions. Is Lighting Important? All creatures do best in…

  • How Many Fish Can You Keep In An Aquarium?

    How Many Fish Can You Keep In An Aquarium?

    Are you worried about overpopulating your aquarium? Thankfully, there are a few rules you can follow. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of fish per gallon of water for smaller fish like Neon Tetras and one inch per two gallons for bigger fish like cichlids. Another method used to determine how many fish you…

  • How Much Does An Aquarium Weigh? (With Gravel and Water)

    How Much Does An Aquarium Weigh? (With Gravel and Water)

    Aquariums can weigh in at much higher than they look. Therefore, before you buy one or decide where to put it, you have to know how much it weighs when empty and when it’s full. The weight of most aquariums starts from 20 lbs, while some weigh 2000 lbs or more. The exact weight depends…

  • Is Fish Keeping An Expensive Hobby To Start?

    Fishkeeping is a hobby that can be as expensive or cheap as you want it to be. You can choose to start with a small tank at a low cost or go all out with a 240-gallon marine tank and spend several thousands. Typically, the start-up costs of fish keeping are relatively high. You will…

  • How Much Time Will Fishkeeping As A Hobby Take?

    How Much Time Will Fishkeeping As A Hobby Take?

    You’ve probably thought about taking on fishkeeping as a hobby because you have a crazy schedule, and caring for other pets is more time-consuming. After all, you’ll have to walk them, clean up after them, pet them, play with them, and visit the vet regularly.  But with fish, it seems like all you have to…

  • How Many Times a Day Should You Feed Tropical Fish?

    How Many Times a Day Should You Feed Tropical Fish?

    Most tropical fish can survive on only one feeding per day. The surrounding temperatures of fish affect their metabolic rates. The lower the temperature, the slower the metabolism meaning that digestion will take a longer time, especially for fish that constantly live in colder water temperatures. Most aquarium fish will require feeding twice a day.…