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Category: Camping

  • How Much Weight Can a Backpack Hold?

    How Much Weight Can a Backpack Hold?

    For the well being of your neck, shoulders, back, and hips, here’s something new for you to consider. Whether you have a school-aged child, you’re going camping, or you’re trying to pack a military bag, it’s important to know how much weight can a backpack hold? The weight a backpack can hold is a lot…

  • Can Babies and Young Children be around Campfire Smoke?

    Can Babies and Young Children be around Campfire Smoke?

    Spring is coming, the days are getting warmer, and you can’t wait to start camping again. You might have children who have expressed interest in camping, or you might have a baby you want to bring camping with you. With all the other hazards you’ve considered, have you thought about the side effects of campfire…

  • Camping with a Baby (12 Essential Items You’ll Need to Take)

    Camping with a Baby (12 Essential Items You’ll Need to Take)

    You and your partner might have an extreme love of camping and want your precious baby to experience it with you. But what do you need to pack to go camping with a baby? The following is a list of 12 essential items you will need to bring with you to help your baby enjoy…

  • Can a Candle Warm a Tent? (Is that even safe?)

    You’re about to try late fall camping for the first time, but you’re used to staying warm while you sleep. If you can warm up by the fire, can you bring the fire inside your tent? What about something a little smaller; can a candle warm a tent? Yes, a candle can warm a tent,…

  • Is a Yoga Mat Suitable for Camping? (What’s the Difference?)

    If you’re into living a fit lifestyle, you may have dabbled in yoga practices and have a yoga mat at home. You recently may have developed the urge to take your fit lifestyle outdoors and go camping. Do you have to buy a sleeping pad, or is a yoga mat suitable for camping? A yoga…

  • Is It Safe to Camp in Your Backyard? (9 Safety Precautions)

    Is It Safe to Camp in Your Backyard? (9 Safety Precautions)

    Have you been wanting to go camping, but don’t quite know how your child will react by sleeping outside all weekend? Instead of packing up the car, driving hours to a great campsite, and having a screaming child who doesn’t want to sleep in a tent, why not try camping in your backyard first? You…

  • Can You Pitch a Tent in an RV Spot?

    Can You Pitch a Tent in an RV Spot?

    It’s Friday morning and you’re thinking about booking a weekend camping trip. All your regular sites are booked up, but there is a campsite that says RV only. Even after checking all other campgrounds in your area, the only site available is an RV only one. Can you pitch a tent in an RV spot? Many…

  • Is It Legal to Camp on the Beach?

    Is It Legal to Camp on the Beach?

    After the year we’ve been having, spending time outdoors has become a very meaningful way to relax and get away from daily news reports on Covid cases. Camping is the ultimate getaway for when you want to get away from it all and just be one with nature. Maybe you’ve already been camping in the…