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an elder woman knitting a scarf as a hobby

We started ‘Hobby Know How’ because we genuinely believe finding an enjoyable hobby is detrimental to our mental health, well being, and overall life satisfaction and happiness. This belief is also scientifically backed by numerous studies and considerations.

We offer quality findings and advice on a vast collection of hobbies and pastimes. Our website will provide you with any details and information that is necessary to get you started with your pursuit. 

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  • How Much Do 3D Printing Materials Cost?

    How Much Do 3D Printing Materials Cost?

    If you’ve found this article, you’re probably considering buying your first 3D printer, or just trying to get some more information to choose a new hobby. You have probably seen our other articles on how much a 3D printer will cost, or the other costs associated with 3D printing. But now you might be wondering…

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  • How Hard Is It to Get Into 3D Printing?

    How Hard Is It to Get Into 3D Printing?

    Have you seen a cool video of a 3D printer making something out of nothing but a string of plastic? Are you considering starting it as a new hobby? Maybe you are wondering how hard it is to get into 3D printing? It’s not very hard to get into 3D printing. Sure, you can’t go…

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  • Rock Tumbling Grit | All You Need to Know

    Rock Tumbling Grit | All You Need to Know

    Rock tumbling grit is essentially what polishes the rocks in your tumbler. It acts like sand in nature, wearing rocks away gradually. Only, in a rock tumbler, the process is much faster.  This is because rock tumbling grit is made of silicon carbide abrasive, which is far more effective than sand could ever be! The…

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  • Is Eating a Hobby? (6 Food Hobbies)

    Is Eating a Hobby? (6 Food Hobbies)

    So, you are wondering if your favorite pastime of eating can count as a hobby? Perhaps you need to give an explanation for why that last bag of Cheetos has disappeared or are looking to garnish your resume. Either way, the act of putting food into your body by chewing and swallowing it is a…

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  • How Many Questions is the Ham Radio Test?

    How Many Questions is the Ham Radio Test?

    If you have gone through our articles on amateur radio such as the complete guide to the ham radio hobby, you should now be in the process of obtaining a license for operations. A license is required to transmit on any of the amateur bands but to acquire the license you have to take a…

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  • Common Radio Terms | Amateur Radio Words & Phrases

    Common Radio Terms | Amateur Radio Words & Phrases

    If you’re looking to start Ham Radio or ( Amatur radio ) as it’s often called. Then you’ll need to learn some of the more common Phrases and Terms used by enthusiasts. We have all heared the saying ‘ Roger, over and out ‘ but there are many more that you need to learn. Some,…

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  • Can You Put a Ham Radio Antenna in the Attic?

    Can You Put a Ham Radio Antenna in the Attic?

    You can put your ham radio antenna in the attic for transmission and reception of ham signals. Installing an antenna in the attic will work just in most cases with minimal attenuation and signal loss but this may not always be a solution depending on the building materials. Attic antenna installation comes as an option…

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  • Is There a Demand for 3D Printing?

    Is There a Demand for 3D Printing?

    With 3D printing becoming more and more popular you might want to start using it as a production took for your business. Have you thought about printing on demand for people? Or selling your designs? But if everyone else with a 3D printer is thinking the same thing, is there a demand for 3D printing?…

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  • Is 3D Printing an Expensive Hobby?

    Is 3D Printing an Expensive Hobby?

    Having a 3D printer at home is like having a genie granting all your plastic-making wishes. Will you need to sell your arm, leg, and maybe a kidney to afford to have a genie at home? Is 3D printing an expensive hobby? 3D printing is an expensive hobby, but it doesn’t have to be. If…

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