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13 Adventurous Hobbies That Will Get Your Heart Racing




a woman to do bungee jumping from a high cliff

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If you’re trying to squeeze every little juice out of life, then living life on the edge is just the way to do it. 

Are you looking for some fun and adventure? You’re in the right place.

Keep reading for the most adventurous hobbies that are sure to get your heart racing.


13. Skydiving

Start off your adventures with an old-time favorite extreme hobby. Jump off a plane at 10,000 feet above the ground.

You’ll start to fall at 120 miles per hour, then pull out your parachute and land safely on the ground. 

Woman enjoying her skydiving experience

The rapid fall is and intense pressure of pulling the parachute at the right time is enough to satisfy any adrenaline junkie. 

Want to take it a notch up? Put on a wingsuit and get the plane to leave at the top of a mountain.

Now jump off the mountain and soar through the air. How’s that for some superhero-type action? 

Diving through the sky is super adventurous. Just remember to make sure your parachute is working properly; otherwise, it could be deadly.

12. Ice climbing

Think rock climbing is extreme? Well, you might think again after you try ice climbing.

Ice climbing is very similar to rock climbing, with twice as much danger. You’ll climb up slippery glaciers and frozen waterfalls. 

a woman in orange jacket climbing ice wall

It’s certainly risky, but nothing beats the breathtaking view of the ice. 

Braving the slippery snow plus the cold is a sure way to get you fired up and get that adrenaline pumping. 

You’ll need to invest in ice climbing gear like ice boots , ice axes , and screws , and carabiners before your start your ascent. 

Be sure to research all the different equipment you need so you can be safe-  the point is to enjoy life not to put it at risk!

11. Zero gravity flying

If you’ve ever had dreams of going to space, you may want to try zero-gravity flights. 

The process is simple; you get on the plane, it goes up and down a couple of times, and you get to feel zero gravity for about 25 seconds. 

The floating feeling will give you a thrill like no other.

If you want to try this, find a certified zero gravity fight center near you, do not attempt this on your own

10. Wing walking 

As far as extreme goes, wing walking makes the cut. You get on a plane; it goes up 10000 feet into the air. Sounds uninteresting so far? 

a woman standing on the wings of an airplane about to take off

Hang on, here’s the fun part. You get out of the plane and walk on its wings.

If you’re not faint-hearted, you can move from the wings of one plane to another. 

It’s actually a very old hobby that dates back to world war two. 

9. Cage diving 

Want to stare a shark dead in the eye? Cage diving maybe just a hobby for you. Plunge deep into the water in a cage and get up close and personal with the sharks. 

two men inside a cage while viewing sharks underwater

You’ll get to stare danger right in the eye; what can be more adventurous than swimming with the sharks? 

If you dare to try, it’s essential to follow safety protocols. Ensure the cage is secured tightly to the vessel that lowering you down. 

Also, double-check the strength of the cage material and locks. You wouldn’t want the sharks to be the last thing you see. 

8. Scuba diving 

Scuba diving is an extreme hobby sport that takes you deep into the waters.

a man enjoying the view with fishes underwater on his scuba diving experience

You can escape the hustle and bustle of life and just spend some time with the underwater plants and animals.

It’s a cross between feeling the adrenaline pumping as you dive deeper into the depths of the sea and feeling the peace and calm of the water that gives you a welcome break from reality. 

Scuba diving is also a great way to connect with nature, and you might just find some amazeballs treasures down there. 

7. Rally driving 

Imagine racing through the dirt, maneuvering a car at top speed, pressing your foot against the acceleration, and not holding back. If you’re all for the rush, that sounds like you. 

You’ll learn a lot about your abilities as your cruise through the dirt and mud.

Oh, and did I mention how hard it is to see through all the dust? It’s the ultimate in fun, adventure, and adrenaline pumping. 

If you prefer being on two wheels, you can do dirt biking instead. It’ll give you the same thrill. 

6. Winter swimming 

Fancy a dip? Well, why don’t you try swimming in freezing cold water?

That doesn’t sound like much of a problem if you’re wearing thermal gear. 

man and women swimming in an icy cold water

But try doing it with nothing but your regular swimwear. 

It’s an extreme adventure for sure. If you like it, you might even take it pro and enter the championship. 

5. Riverboarding 

This extreme hobby sport is very similar to white water rafting; instead of using a raft, you ride the roaring water on a board. 

You’ll be carried away by the water at high speeds and then glide at calm speed when the rapids slow down, then pick up the pace all over again. 

You’ll enjoy letting the water give you a ride.

The terror of the high-speed rapids and then the soothing of the calm waters will have you floating on cloud 9.

Not to mention the view in-between. 

4. Cliff camping 

Climbing up a cliff is hard; getting to the top is extreme.

Now imagine camping on the edge of a cliff overnight. What can be more adventurous than that?

man standing on the cliffside looking at the lakeview

 You’ll enjoy the view from the top while you attempt to last the night.

Remember not to attempt cliff-hanging with any odd ropes and knots.

You’ll need specialized equipment that won’t give out. Plus, you should get experts to set up the kit for you. 

3. Canyoning 

This extreme hobby is a combination of different intense experiences.

Canyoning involves hiking, white water sports, climbing, and so much more all in one.

This hobby entails going across gorges, canyons, or ravines. 

You will have to swim through the water, climb mountains or jump off cliffs. 

Apart from the physical stamina you’ll get preparing for and doing canyoning; it offers a mix of adventure.

It will give you the best of all extreme sports. 

It takes a bit of practice to do it well enough while staying safe, so you’ll need to put in some time before you start.

Also, it’s a good idea to start small.

2. Martial arts

Martial arts is a thrilling and exciting hobby that is sure to get your adrenalin levels high; what’s more, it’s a beneficial hobby.

You can choose the style of martial art that you like from a variety of different types: Judo, MMA, Jiu-Jitsu, and so many others.

A group of athletic people training martial arts in a gym

Most martial arts are physically demanding, but some are suited for people who lack physical stamina.

You can start learning through video online or find a brick-and-mortar class to learn. 

Martial arts help to improve physical stamina and self-defense skills. On top of that, it’s a great way to learn how to handle emotions and meet new friends. 

1. Bungee jumping

This is a classic extreme hobby that involves you jumping down from very tall heights and hoping your harnesses can hold out. 

A young woman doing a bungee jump

It’s certainly not for the faint-hearted. Bunjee jumping can help you connect with your inner self.

While you free fall through the air, you may just see a lot of things from a whole new perspective. 

And that’s it, some adventurous hobbies for you. Dice with death, get the adrenaline off the charts and feel more alive.


Life is for living, after all! Don’t forget to stay safe and make sure you research all the safety protocols and get the right equipment for your chosen hobby. 

Most importantly, always seek expert help before you attempt any daredevil hobby.

So try out these adventurous hobbies and get your heart racing; you’ll be sure to enjoy these adventures! 

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