Just because you get older doesn’t mean you can’t still have some awesome hobbies. You are only as old as your mind thinks you are.
If you need to find some fun and unique things to do with your grandparents, we can help you out with that.
Some of the same old basic hobbies can be fun from time to time.
But we found some that might be a bit outside the box.
Grab a pen or make a note on your phone and remember these hobbies that you can do with your grandparents, or they can do when you aren’t around.
1. Check out every library in your state
This one requires a bit of travel. This will get you and your grandparents both out of the house. Libraries have so many cool things these days. A universal library card doesn’t cost that much ($56 in our state) and you can have fun utilizing it all over your state.
Your grandparents would love seeing some new buildings and it can be a cute road trip adventure together. Make it a hobby to see if you can visit every library in your state!
2. Let them tell you about your family
Sure, doing the whole family tree is cute. But let them really tell you about your family. As far back as they can remember and whatever they can remember. What people’s jobs were.
If you live in the same area, take them to drive around where family members grew up. See childhood homes, schools, or other areas they hung out at.
If they can’t drive around with you, then you can go the family tree route and write down everything they tell you.
3. Try to visit every museum
The same concept with the library, but they might get a bit more joy out of this. Not saying older people like old stuff, but they could have fun seeing things from their childhood. Most states have a good number of museums, too.
You might have gone to them all, but it would be a whole new experience to let your grandparent take you and talk about things that they remember or used growing up.
4. Learn a musical instrument
This one would not only help their memory and hand-eye coordination but could take up a lot of time. You can try to learn an instrument at any age.
It would be good for your grandparent to keep active but not have to do a lot of physical activity if they shouldn’t.
5. Learn a new language
Learning a new language can be fun if they get to do it with someone else. If you can’t learn the language with your grandparent, then maybe they can learn some basic phrases in different languages. Then they can teach you those.
6. Learn social media
We know, giving older people the power of social media can be a hit or miss. But so many times it turns out to be the cutest thing ever. Teach your grandparent how to set up an account on a few platforms.
TikTok could be so cute for them. They could do weekly videos. If they can’t figure it out themselves, you could do the grunt work and let them have all of the fun learning the dances or trends.
7. Write their memoir
Your grandparents might really love writing out everything that they went through in their life. Especially grandparents these days. They got to experience some interesting times in the US. We need more personal stories of what happened through the decades.
It would be really helpful in general, but also for your family to know and understand where they came from.
8. Learn calligraphy
This is something we’ve always wanted to do, so it’s on our list of hobbies to take up when we are older. Learning calligraphy would be calming, soothing, and still keep their brain active.
Your grandparents probably have some pretty perfect handwriting anyway, so calligraphy might not be too hard.
Ask them to write your cards or letters in calligraphy so you have some cute handmade mementos from them.
9. Volunteer at a local center
Volunteers are always in need. Volunteer at a library, community center, or museum. Your grandparent can do this solo, with you, or with another friend. Help is always appreciated.
10. Volunteer at a shelter
Animal shelters always need help too. Playing with the animals will also be beneficial to them. Again, your grandparent can do this with you or alone.
It will give them something to look forward too and those animals will love the attention. Your grandparents might even want to adopt one or two of the cute critters.
11. Be a human book
Not every library does this yet, but they should. See if your local library lets you check out people. Literally.
You can check out a person and they can tell you about their life. A live-action book right in front of you.
12. Be a human school project
If your local library doesn’t let you check out a human, then go to your local high school or college. A lot of times students need to do reports and need sources.
It would be pretty cool and different to have an actual person as a reference for the project instead of the same website everyone else is using.
For Grandparent’s Day, some schools have designated grandparents that don’t have kids nearby and get to be a foster grandparent for the day.
13. Volunteer as a baby holder
More and more hospitals are starting volunteer programs. You can volunteer to hold babies that are in need. Not all parents can afford to take time off work to sit with their little bundle.
If the child is in the hospital for an extended period of time, they will improve faster if they have more cuddles.
It can soothe both the baby and the grandparent, so it’s a win-win situation. This is another one that is high on our list when we are older. Sign us up immediately.
14. Try acting
There are always postings for background actors needed. If your grandparents are outgoing and love to be on camera, this could be perfect.
They could make it into more than a hobby. But if they want something to do on occasion and have always wanted to give it a go, why not? Learn more about acting as a hobby here in our complete acting guide.
15. Teach a class
Teach an outdoor bird watching class. Teach a pottery class. Teach a class about caring for a home. Teach a class about making all of their favorite recipes. Teach a class about whatever they have an interest in.
Local community centers would love to have more options to give back. It would give your grandparents something to plan out and look forward to as well.
Final Thoughts
We think we found some great options for your grandparents. There are hobbies to get them moving, keep them active, and not be the same old coloring or sewing.
You can do these with them or let them take them and run. If your grandparents need someone to run lines with for opening night though, let us know.